Mobile Banner Ad Design
Everything you read or hear today that has anything to do with online marketing will probably mention the importance of going mobile - steadily increasing number of users who browse and shop via smartphones, and more than reliable indications suggesting that the trend is going to continue. For confirmation of this, you probably only have to look at the way your habits have changed to realise how much exposure you’re missing out on by ignoring this platform.
In your search to bring your site in front of new eyes, you may come across people who believe that designing mobile banner ads is just the same as making typical website banners, only with less paint.
So, while a lot of people will implore you to ‘go mobile’ not all of them will be able to tell you what exactly is it that you should do when you get there. Apart from everything else, designing mobile banner ads requires familiarity with user habits and their attitude towards banners, as well as being able to meet the requirements imposed by the platform – processing power, bandwidth, smaller screens…
If you don’t want to entrust your mobile banner design and exposure to an entire class of potential customers to a subpar company, contact us today and let us help people find you.
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